Monday, September 7, 2009

Thoughts on Raw Milk


Here is some information on raw milk. I will admit I am biased on the subject, if you consider having consistent experience with something, and having that experience be positive, a bias (the article selection partially reflects that). I was a member of a cow-share in Indiana, from which my housemates and I got a couple gallons a week from a local dairy farm. The taste was great, and I grew another 4 inches even though I was 25. No one else has noticed though.

What are your opinions on raw milk dairy? Should Aragnica be offering it? By the way though, whether or not we continue to offer raw milk dairy, we will be offering some great, grass-fed pasteurized milk, so hopefully all will be happy.

A Washington Post investigative piece. Read the whole thing if you have time, I think it is pretty balanced. In other words, it comes out on the favorable side...  but from initial skepticism.

An example of how studies that show explicit health benefits from raw milk are rarely taken at face value.

This page speaks about the importance of a natural, grass diet for the quality of cow's milk.

A lengthy summary of and argument using data on raw milk:


1 comment:

  1. We just joined Arganica thus the response to your 2009 post but I can't believe no one else commented! My cousin in PA touts the benefits of raw milk and it was the first thing I scanned for when we got our order form this week. I'm not sure if price may be prohibitive but we are interested!
